Community at AppMap

Have you tried our revolutionary developer tool yet?

For developers

AppMap is a runtime code analysis tool for developers looking for better, smarter, faster insight into their code.

  • How does it behave at runtime?
  • What are the dependencies?
  • How do I quickly find and fix bugs and security vulnerabilities before production?
  • What can automatic sequence diagrams do for me?

AppMap is available as an extension to your code editor, so its information is always available when and where you code.

AppMap is also available as a GitHub action, to ensure your code is always production-ready.

Chat and support

Our community is talking about how they’re using AppMap, what issues they’re running into, and more.

Join AppMap Slack

This form is also super easy to fill out and a quick way to share your feedback, ideas, and issues with us.

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Code of Conduct

We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone... Read the AppMap code of Conduct

Open source projects

AppMap is developed in the open!

AppMap Data Format

The AppMap Data specifications captures detailed information of runtime code execution, data snapshots, and applications metadata for the purpose of analysis.

Explore on GitHub

AppMap client agents &
code editor plugins

Extension for Visual Studio Code. Plug-in for IntelliJ, RubyMine, and PyCharm. AppMap client agents for Java, JavaScript, Python, and Ruby.

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