Configuring Analysis

Configuring checks

AppMap Analysis is configured in a YAML document. It’s primary job is to specify which scanner rules will check the code. Each check specifies a rule id, and may include additional properties that customized and tune the behavior of the rule.

AppMap Analysis ships with a default configuration file located in node_modules/@appland/scanner/built/sampleConfig/default.yml.

Without specifying the --config command line option, AppMap will attempt to load appmap-scanner.yml, the default configuration for analysis rules. If that file does not exist, AppMap will fail back to loading the configuration in the node_modules path.

To use a non-default configuration, specify the path to the configuration file via the -c or --config option:

$ npx @appland/scanner \
    --appmap-dir tmp/appmap \
    --config appmap-scanner.yml \

To use a custom configuration create a file named appmap-scanner.yml in the root of your project directory, you can copy the default.yml in the AppMap source code as a starting point. Refer to the Rules Reference for additional configuration options per scanner rule.

Example appmap-scanner.yml

  - rule: authzBeforeAuthn
  - rule: http500
  - rule: illegalPackageDependency
        - equal: actionpack
        equal: app/controllers
  - rule: insecureCompare
  - rule: missingAuthentication
  - rule: missingContentType
  - rule: nPlusOneQuery
  - rule: secretInLog
  - rule: slowFunctionCall
      timeAllowed: 0.2
        - match: Controller#create$
  - rule: slowHttpServerRequest
      timeAllowed: 0.5
  - rule: slowQuery
      timeAllowed: 0.05
  - rule: tooManyJoins
  - rule: tooManyUpdates
  - rule: unbatchedMaterializedQuery
  - rule: updateInGetRequest

Match pattern config

Some rule options are defined as type MatchPatternConfig. MatchPatternConfig is a flexible way to match a string such as content type, code object name, etc.

Each MatchPatternConfig requires one of the following three YAML keys:

- match: RegExp   # String value must match this regexp
- include: string # String value must include this substring
- equal: string   # String value must equal this string


- ignoreCase: boolean # When true, the match/include/equal test is case-insensitive


The illegalPackageDependency rule is applied to the package app/controllers (exactly). The caller package must be actionpack (exactly).

  - rule: illegalPackageDependency
        - equal: actionpack
        equal: app/controllers

The slowFunctionCall rule is applied to all functions that match one of two regular expressions (case sensitive).

  - rule: slowFunctionCall
        - match: ^app/models
        - match: ^app/jobs

The missingAuthentication rule is not applied to any event whose route includes /api/.

  - rule: missingAuthentication
      - event:
          property: route
            include: /api/

Findings Reference

When a scanner check matches an AppMap, it issues a finding. A finding includes detailed information about the match, indicating such information as:

  • A title and message.
  • AppMap in which the finding was found.
  • The primary and secondary events that are relevant to the finding.


  • ruleId identifier of the rule algorithm.
  • checkId identifier of the check, which a configured instance of a rule.
  • ruleTitle human-friendly title of the rule.
  • message human-friendly message describing the finding.
  • appMapFile relative path to the AppMap file containing the match.
  • event JSON object of the primary event on which the match was found.
  • relatedEvents JSON of other events in the AppMap which are associated with the finding. They can be inspected in the AppMap to better understand the finding.
  • scope JSON of the event which defines the AppMap subtree in which the finding was discovered.
  • hash of the finding which can be used to identify duplicate findings.

Finding hash

A hash of the finding is computed from the finding properties that are most important and characteristic. The hash is used implement a critical feature of AppMap Analysis - de-duplication. De-duplication serves two purposes:

1) A finding may occur many times within a set of AppMap Diagrams. As a user, you’re only interested in unique findings, therefore the hash can be used to de-duplicate the findings and present a minimal data set. 2) Findings can be managed and triaged in the AppMap Server UI. For example, a finding can be deferred to prevent that finding from holding up a build or pull request. If the finding occurs again in the future, the hash is used to recognize that the finding has already been found, triaged - therefore the finding is not reported as new, and does not block the build or need to be re-triaged.

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