
Within AppMap Navie the @diagram command prefix focuses the AI response to generate Mermaid compatible diagrams. Mermaid is an open source diagramming and charting utility with wide support across tools such as GitHub, Atlassian, and more. Use the @diagram command, and Navie will create and render a Mermaid compatible diagram within the Navie chat window. You can open this diagram in the Mermaid Live Editor, copy the Mermaid Definitions to your clipboard, save to disk, or expand a full window view. Save the Mermaid diagram into any supported tool such as GitHub Issues, Atlassian Confluence, and more.

Example Questions

@diagram the functional steps involved when a new user registers for the service.

@diagram the entity relationships between products and other important data objects.

@diagram using a flow chart how product sales tax is calculated.

@diagram create a detailed class map of the users, stores, products and other associated classes used

Example Diagram Projects

Below are a series of open source projects you can use to try out the @diagram feature using prebuilt AppMap data in a sample project. Simply clone one of the following projects, open into your code editor with the AppMap extension installed, and ask Navie to generate diagrams.

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