AppLand April 2021 Recap

AppLand April 2021 Recap

Spring is finally here! Flowers are blooming, birds are singing and the AppMap Community continues to grow. Read on for exciting company and product updates, and a sneak peek at what’s to come in May.

Company Updates

AppMap and Engine Yard Partner to Accelerate Code Onboarding

Exciting news! AppMap and Engine Yard, the original Platform-as-a-Service product, have partnered to help developers onboard to new or updated code faster. Engine Yard’s new hosted, virtual developer environment DevSpaces includes embedded access to AppMap so users can navigate their code via beautiful, automatically generated dependency maps, execution traces, and service and schema catalogs.

Read more about the partnership and view a demo of AppMap and Engine Yard in action.

Andy Palmer is Backing AppMap

It’s an honor to announce Andy Palmer, Co-Founder and CEO of Tamr and Founder of Koa Labs, as a supporter and investor in AppMap. Andy is a legend in the tech community, having helped found and/or fund more than 60 startups spanning the software, healthcare and life science industries.

Read more about why Andy decided to invest in AppMap and what he’s most excited about for the company.

Kevin Gilpin, Co-Founder and CTO of AppMap, Presents at RailsConf 2021

We’re proud to share that AppMap’s Co-Founder and CTO, Kevin Gilpin, presented at RailsConf 2021! Kevin’s talk, “Teach Your Code to Describe its Own Architecture,” will be available to watch on demand after May 15, 2021. In the meantime, read more about Kevin’s RailsConf talk.

AppMap Community Profiles Debuts

Community is a fundamental part of AppMap and we’re thrilled to see ours continue to grow. To recognize the continued commitment and contributions of our community, we launched a new blog series that profiles members of the growing AppMap community and shares how they use AppMap in their daily work. Check out our first profile on Marcus Sanchez.

If you’d like to participate in the AppMap Community Profiles series, contact us! You can also chat with us on Slack.

Product Updates

New Doc Website!!

Check out our new documentation website at The documentation includes detailed getting started information and how-to guides, as well as troubleshooting and FAQs. More docs are being added and updated every day. Please contact us if you have any feedback you’d like to share!

AppMap Swagger - Swagger without the work!

Update: AppMap Swagger has been updated and incorporated into AppMap core. Learn more about how to generate OpenAPI (formerly Swagger) documentation in the AppMap developer docs.

AppMap Swagger is a new tool for Ruby that eliminates the need to manually write Swagger. It generates Swagger directly from test cases and actually runs tests. AppMap Swagger sees every request, mime type, parameter, header and response. This information is generated by recording test cases using AppMap. Read more about AppMap Swagger.

Notable Product Articles Published

Kevin Gilpin, AppMap’s Co-Founder and CTO, continues to publish detailed articles on on how to best leverage AppMap technology. Notable posts from April include:

Product Updates Coming in May

JetBrains IDE Plugins!!!

We’re getting ready to release a new plugin that will support the JetBrains family of IDEs and bring AppMap to the most popular Java IDE on the market! A preview of AppMap for IntelliJ IDEA is available now, contact us if you’d like to give it a try. Pythonistas: PyCharm will also soon be supported and Rubyists: RubyMine will also be available.

AppMap Gradle Plugin

We’re finalizing work on a new Gradle plugin for the AppMap for Java agent which will simplify recording of Gradle-built applications in development and CI/CD environments.

JavaScript, .Net, and PHP

“Give us Javascript!,” you said! And we answered. JavaScript is slated for release later in May, stay tuned for updates.

Early access is now available for .Net. Contact us for more information.

Are you a PHP enthusiast? The team is looking for OSS helpers to contribute to the PHP client and test in PHPStorm. Join us in Slack for more information.

Stay in Touch

We can’t wait to share more company and product updates with you again next month! For the most up-to-date information from AppMap, join our Slack, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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The AppMap Team

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