AppLand Newsletter: November 2021

AppLand Newsletter: November 2021

Here’s what we’ve been up to lately! If you’d like to have our updates delivered to you each month, you can sign up here.

Product Updates 💻

Auto-generate OpenAPI docs for your Django, Flask, Spring and Rails apps!

Keeping OpenAPI documentation accurate and up-to-date can be really challenging and time consuming. But it’s important to do to prevent collaboration set-backs, broken applications and integrations, and an overall inefficient use of OpenAPI automation tools. Here’s some good news: Now you can use AppMap to automatically generate OpenAPI docs from running code!

AppMap ensures your OpenAPI documentation is always current, accurate and readily available – no tedious, manual labor required. Download AppMap with OpenAPI generation here for your Django, Flask, Spring and Rails apps!

The AppMap for JavaScript Beta goes live December 7!!!!

This is not a drill! The JavaScript agent beta will be live on December 7!!! (Can you tell we’re just a little excited?!) 😆If you’d like early access, shoot us a note and we’ll get you set up so you can try it out with your JavaScript / TypeScript / Node.js app. Otherwise, set your alarms to check our Twitter or LinkedIn.

Company News 💼

The AppMap team is growing! Currently, we’re hiring for the below roles. If you’re interested in learning more or know of anyone who you think we should talk to, please reach out!

  • Business development representative - remote
  • Full-stack engineer - remote
  • Founder’s associate - must be local to Greater Boston

Notable Content ✍

This just in: Our CTO’s blog has surpassed 40K post views! 🥳 Thank you to all of our loyal readers, we appreciate you!

Here’s a roundup of content we published this month:

Also in content-related news, we found this report from McKinsey Digital on the 6 make-or-break priorities for CIOs interesting – particularly priority #3: “Make developer experience the cornerstone of talent strategy.” Also worth a look: This post by Isaac Lyman on what code quality really means, how it impacts an entire organization and its customers, and what organizational habits we can adopt to help improve it.

Stay in Touch 💜

Thanks so much for reading. Feel free to ping us in Slack with any questions or feedback, we always love hearing from our community!

Cheers, The AppMap Team

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