Community highlight: CodeCrafters on debugging N+1 queries and test failures in CI

Community highlight: CodeCrafters on debugging N+1 queries and test failures in CI

Paul Kuruvilla and his co-founder Sarup Banskota began CodeCrafters in 2021 to help programmers master their craft by helping them practice writing complex software. As they got their business up and running, they started looking for a tool to help them debug N+1 queries. AppMap became much more to them. Read on for the story in our chat with Paul.

Where are you located in the world?

I’m in Leeds, UK.

How did you learn about AppMap?

I think I came across AppMap in the VS Code extension marketplace. We were looking for a tool to help us debug N+1 queries in our Rails app.

What problem does AppMap solve for you?

At the moment, our primary use-case for AppMap is that it helps us debug test failures in CI. The AppMap GitHub action hooks into our RSpec test run and highlights failed tests. It also highlights parts of the code diff that are likely to have caused the failure.

How’s it going? Any interesting projects or results to share?

It’s going well! When we initially adopted AppMap, we were only using it for visualizing N+1 queries locally. We later integrated it into our CI run, and are finding the GitHub comments posted by AppMap to be very useful. The OpenAPI integration in particular was a surprise: it’s nice to see an automatically generated summary of what endpoints have changed in a PR.

Definitely looking forward to seeing how the platform evolves!

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