Improve DB Performance with a Caching Key Design
Posted 06 Apr 2024
- ruby
In this chat transcript, the user wants to improve the performance of their social media application by using Navie to help them design a cache key for user microposts.
To implement caching for user microposts effectively, a robust cache key strategy is essential. This strategy will ensure that the cache remains up-to-date and serves the most current data to users. Considering the provided Ruby on Rails sample application, we'll design a cache key for user microposts and demonstrate how to apply it within this codebase.
Designing the Cache KeyA good cache key for user microposts should take into account the following:
Implementation involves generating the cache key based on the current state of a user's microposts and using this key with Rails' caching mechanisms. To apply this within the provided codebase, we'll focus on the view layer, where microposts are displayed, specifically in app/views/users/show.html.erb where user microposts are listed.
Step 1: Generate Cache Key in the ControllerFirst, we'll prepare the cache key in the UsersController#show action as it's responsible for displaying user microposts.
app/controllers/users_controller.rb:def show
@user = User.find(params[:id])
@microposts = @user.microposts.paginate(page: params[:page])
# Generate cache key for user's microposts
microposts_max_updated_at = @user.microposts.maximum(:updated_at)&.utc&.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S%N') || "0"
@microposts_cache_key = "user_microposts_#{}_#{microposts_max_updated_at}_#{@microposts.total_entries}"
Step 2: Use the Cache Key in the View
Then, utilize this cache key in the view when rendering microposts, ensuring the cache is specific to the user's current microposts state.
<% cache(@microposts_cache_key) do %>
<% if @user.microposts.any? %>
Microposts (<%= @user.microposts.count %>)
<%= render @microposts %>
<%= will_paginate @microposts %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
By adopting this cache strategy, the Rails application efficiently caches the rendered microposts for each user. The cache automatically invalidates and refreshes when the user creates, updates, or deletes microposts, ensuring users always see up-to-date content while benefiting from improved page load times due to caching.
To create a test that ensures your cache key for user microposts is working correctly within your existing testing framework, follow these guidelines. The key purpose of this test is to verify that the cache invalidates appropriately when there's a new micropost or an update to an existing one, effectively reflecting changes in the cache key.
Here's a step-by-step guide to writing such a test in Ruby on Rails, assuming your cache key comprises the user ID, the count of microposts, and the timestamp of the most recent micropost update:
- Setup Test Environment: First, ensure your test setup has a user with some microposts. This would typically be done using fixtures or factories.
- Initial Cache Generation: Generate the initial cache for the user's microposts page. This might involve making a request to the page where microposts are listed and cached.
- Modify Microposts: Create a new micropost or update an existing one to trigger a change that should invalidate the old cache.
- Second Cache Generation: Generate the cache again by making another request to the page.
- AssertionThe test should assert that the cache key used in the second request is different from the initial request, indicating that the cache has been invalidated and regenerated due to the change in microposts.
require "test_helper"
class MicropostsCacheTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def setup
@user = users(:sample_user) # Assuming you have a user fixture or factory
log_in_as(@user) # Helper method to simulate user login
test "cache key changes with new micropost" do
# Assume get_user_microposts_cache_key is a helper method to generate cache key
initial_cache_key = get_user_microposts_cache_key(@user)
# Create a new micropost which should invalidate the cache
assert_difference '@user.microposts.count', 1 do
post microposts_path, params: { micropost: { content: "New post content" } }
new_cache_key = get_user_microposts_cache_key(@user)
# Assert that the cache key has changed
assert_not_equal initial_cache_key, new_cache_key, "Cache key should change with new micropost"
def get_user_microposts_cache_key(user)
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