AppLand Newsletter: October 2021

AppLand Newsletter: October 2021

Here’s what we’ve been up to lately! If you’d like to have our updates delivered to you each month, you can sign up here.

Product Updates 💻

Search Recordings of Your Running Code with Our New Inspect Command Feature

Searching code files is easy. But knowing where code, web services, dependencies and SQL are being used when code is actually running isn’t so easy. Our new Inspect Command feature indexes and scans AppMap Data to search recordings of your running code, so you can figure out:

  • Where misbehaving queries are coming from in the code
  • Which code is using which tables
  • How to refactor code or tables into microservices
  • Which web service routes are using a dependency (like a cloud API, email provider or security service)

Give it a try for yourself! Inspect Command is available in AppMap for Ruby, Java and Python.

AppMap 💙JS - So We’re Spreading the Love with AppMap for JavaScript and TypeScript!

We’re thrilled to share that AppMap for JavaScript and TypeScript is available for AppMap superfans and early adopters! If you’ve always dreamed of having a comprehensive view of your code’s runtime behavior so you can better understand and improve the code quality of your JavaScript / TypeScript / Node.js app, please get in touch with us. Laurent, our resident JS wizard, would love your help testing before we release the beta in mid-November, so we’ll set you up if you’d like to give it a spin!

Company News 💼

Big news: We’ve surpassed 100K downloads of AppMap agents and tools! 🥳

Once again, we have our amazing community to thank for reaching this super special milestone. We SO appreciate your support and enthusiasm for all things AppMap!

Looking for an AppMap deployment partner? We got you.

We’ve been getting a lot of inbound inquiries as of late about supporting AppMap deployments enterprise-wide, so this month we partnered with a few professional services groups who can help you get your AppMap program off the ground. Email us to learn more.

Notable Content ✍

We’re constantly publishing new content on our doc site, company blog and Here’s some notable content from the past month:

Also in content-related news, we found this post (and survey) by Chris Grams, about how developers use open source software today and what’s holding them back, interesting. Also worth a look: another great post by OpenView that frames the different market segments of dev tools and the Consortium for Information & Software Quality’s latest report on the cost of poor software quality in the U.S. Spoiler alert: it totals $2.08 trillion! 😱

Stay in Touch 💜

Thanks so much for reading. Feel free to ping us in Slack with any questions or feedback, we always love hearing from our community!

The AppMap Team

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