To access the latest features update your code editor plugin. VS Code >= 0.118.1
and JetBrains >= 0.64.0
Configure Navie to use a specific LLM by adjusting the environment variables used by the AppMap extension.
Note: To store the API key securely, follow the instructions below.
In VS Code, go to settings.
Search for “appmap environment” to reveal “AppMap: Command Line Environment” setting.
Use Add Item to define the relevant environment variables according to the BYOM documentation.
Reload your VS Code for the changes to take effect.
NOTE: Please follow the instructions below to set OPENAI_API_KEY
In VS Code, open the Command Palette.
You can use a hotkey to open the VS Code Command Palette
Cmd + Shift + P
Ctrl + Shift + P
Or you can select View
-> Command Palette
Search for AppMap Set OpenAPI Key
Paste your key into the new field and hit enter.
You’ll get a notification in VS Code that your key is set.
NOTE: You will need to reload your window for the setting to take effect. Use the Command Palette Developer: Reload Window
To delete your key, simply open the Command Palette
You can use a hotkey to open
Cmd + Shift + P
Ctrl + Shift + P
Or you can select View
-> Command Palette
Search for AppMap Set OpenAPI Key
And simply hit enter with the field blank. VS Code will notify you that the key has been unset.
NOTE: You will need to reload your window for the setting to take effect. Use the Command Palette Developer: Reload Window
To check if you are using the AppMap hosted proxy or your own API Key open the Command Palette.
You can use a hotkey to open
Cmd + Shift + P
Ctrl + Shift + P
Or you can select View
-> Command Palette
Search for Check Key Status
Select Check OpenAI API Key Status
The code editor will respond a notifiction in the bottom corner with your latest status.
For secure storage of API key secrets within AppMap, we use the default VS Code secret storage which leverages Electron’s safeStorage API to ensure the confidentiality of sensitive information. Upon encryption, secrets are stored within the user data directory in a SQLite database, alongside other VS Code state information. This encryption process involves generating a unique encryption key, which, on macOS, is securely stored within Keychain Access
under “Code Safe Storage” or “Code - Insiders Safe Storage,” depending on the version. This method provides a robust layer of protection, preventing unauthorized access by other applications or users with full disk access. The safeStorage API, accessible in the main process, supports operations such as checking encryption availability, encrypting and decrypting strings, and selecting storage backends on Linux. This approach ensures that your secrets are securely encrypted and stored, safeguarding them from potential threats while maintaining application integrity.