AppMap Code Editor license key installation

After receiving your AppMap license key follow the steps below.

For the license key to successfully validate with AppMap systems ensure your machine is able to connect to You can test by opening it in your web browser.

VS Code license key install steps

1) Open the VS Code Command Palette

  • Mac: Cmd + Shift + P
  • Windows/Linux: Ctrl + Shift + P

2) Search for AppMap license

3) Enter the license key provided by the AppMap team and press Enter to submit

4) Click Allow to allow the AppMap extension to use your license key.

5) AppMap will be activated for Visual Studio Code.

JetBrains license key install steps

1) Select Tools from the main menu of your JetBrains Code Editor. Then select AppMap -> Enter License Key.

2) Enter the license key provided by the AppMap team and press Ok to submit.

3) You will now be logged into AppMap for the IDE.

Video: How to Install an AppMap license key in JetBrains

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