Opening Navie

In VS Code

In the VS Code Sidebar

You can open Navie in the VSCode sidebar by expanding (if necessary) the Navie section and select the New Navie Chat button.

In the AppMap Plugin Instructions Section

You can Ask Navie by opening the AppMap Instructions drop down and select on the “Ask AppMap Navie”.

Via the VS Code Command Palette

You can open the VS Code Command Palette

  • Mac: Cmd + Shift + P
  • Windows/Linux: Ctrl + Shift + P

And search for Navie

Select a code block and use the lightbulb

Finally you can open Navie by selecting a block of text and using the lightbulb to ask Navie about your code.

In JetBrains

In the AppMap Sidebar Plugin

You can open the AppMap plugin in your sidebar.

Then select New Navie Chat from Navie menu option.

Via the JetBrains Tools menu option

You can open Navie by clicking on the JetBrains menu option Tools -> AppMap. From there you can select Explain with AppMap Navie

AppMap Navie will open as a new tab in your JetBrains editor.

From within an AppMap Diagram

Normally when asking Navie about your application, AppMap will search through the AppMap Data to find the ones that are most relevant to your question. You can target your question more specifically to an AppMap, representing a test case, API call, or other interaction by clicking the “Ask Navie” box on any AppMap you open.

NOTE: When you “Ask Navie from within an AppMap your questions’ context will only include the single AppMap. You can opt to search the entire workspace by selecting the option to “Include the whole workspace”.

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