AppMap Agent for Ruby


appmap is a Gem for recording AppMap Data of your code.

The AppMap Data Format includes code structure (packages, modules, classes, and methods), trace events (function calls, web services, RPC calls, SQL, parameters, return values, exceptions, etc), and code metadata (repo URL, commit SHA, etc). It’s more granular than a performance profile, but it’s less granular than a full debug trace. It’s designed to be optimal for understanding the design intent and structure of code and key data flows.

Supported versions

Supported Rails versions: 5.x, 6.x, 7.x

Supported Ruby versions: 2.6, 2.7, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

Support for new versions is added frequently, please check back regularly for updates.


Add gem 'appmap' to the beginning of your Gemfile. It needs to be the first gem in the list, so that it can observe other gems loading and instrument them if you request it. Also, we recommend you add the appmap gem to the :development, :test group.

Your Gemfile should look something like this:

source ''
git_source(:github) { |repo| "{repo}.git" }

# Optional Ruby version
# ruby '2.7.2'

# The appmap gem is the first gem in the file
group :development, :test do
  gem 'appmap'

# The rest of the gems follow
gem 'rails', '6.1.0'

Install with bundle install, as usual.

To use AppMap in your code editor, you’ll also want to install the corresponding AppMap extension:


When you run your program, the appmap gem reads configuration settings from appmap.yml. Here’s an extensive example file for a Rails project:

# 'name' should generally be the same as the code repo name.
name: my_project
- path: app
  # Exclude sub-paths within the package path
  - concerns/accessor
- path :lib
# Include any gems that you want to record.
# These are just examples.
- gem: activerecord
- gem: aws-sdk
# Exclude a specific class or function from the map.
- MyClass
- MyClass#my_instance_method
- MyClass.my_class_method
# Apply custom labels to gem code.
# (Use source annotations to label your own code).
- methods:
  - Fluent::Logger::FluentLogger#post
  - Fluent::Logger::FluentLogger#post_with_time
  - Fluent::Logger.post_with_time
  label: log
  • name Provides the project name (required)
  • packages A list of source code directories which should be recorded.
  • exclude A list of classes and/or methods to definitively exclude from recording.
  • functions A list of specific functions, scoped by gem or path and fully qualified method name, to record.


Each entry in the packages list is a YAML object which has the following keys:

  • path The path to the source code directory. The path may be relative to the current working directory, or it may be an absolute path.
  • gem As an alternative to specifying the path, specify the name of a dependency gem. When using gem, don’t specify path. In your Gemfile, the appmap gem must be listed before any gem that you specify in your appmap.yml.
  • exclude A list of files and directories which will be ignored. By default, all modules, classes and public functions are inspected. See also: global exclude list.
  • shallow When set to true, only the first function call entry into a package will be recorded. Subsequent function calls within the same package are not recorded unless code execution leaves the package and re-enters it. Default: true when using gem, false when using path.


Optional list of fully qualified class and method names. Separate class and method names with period (.) for class methods and hash (#) for instance methods.


Optional list of fully qualified Class#instance_method or Class.class_method method names. The primary use of functions is to apply specific labels to functions whose source code is not accessible (e.g., it’s in a Gem).

  • The gem or path name needs to match the actual location of the method(s)
  • You can specify an individual method or multiple methods and a single label or multiple labels.

For functions which are part of the application code, use @label or @labels in code comments to apply labels.

Events that are always recorded

Certain events are always recorded whenever AppMap recording is enabled. These events are:

  • HTTP server requests that are handled by Rails.
  • SQL queries that sent to the ActiveSupport::Notifications handler sql.sequel.
  • SQL queries that sent to the ActiveSupport::Notifications handler sql.active_record.
  • Specific functions that are identified and labeled by lib/appmap/builtin_hooks and lib/appmap/gem_hooks.

So, even if your appmap.yml is empty except for a name and packages: [], your AppMap Data will still contain the events listed above.


The AppMap Data specification provides for class and function labels, which can be used to enhance the AppMap Diagrams, and for code analysis.

You can apply function labels using source code comments in your Ruby code. To apply a labels to a function, add a @label or @labels line to the comment which immediately precedes a function.

For example, if you add this comment to your source code:

class ApiKey
  # @labels provider.authentication security
  def authenticate(key)
    # logic to verify the key here...

Then the AppMap metadata section for this function will include:

  "name": "authenticate",
  "type": "function",
  "labels": [ "provider.authentication", "security" ]

Tests recording


When you run your RSpec tests, AppMap Data will be recorded automatically (as long as the appmap gem is loaded).

If you don’t see this working automatically for some reason, you can try requiring appmap/rspec in your spec_helper.rb:

require 'appmap/rspec'

Note that spec_helper.rb in a Rails project typically loads the application’s classes this way:

require File.expand_path("../../config/environment", __FILE__)

and appmap/rspec should be required before this:

require 'appmap/rspec'
require File.expand_path("../../config/environment", __FILE__)


Run the tests:

$ bundle exec rspec

Each RSpec test will output an AppMap file into the directory tmp/appmap/rspec. For example:

$ find tmp/appmap/rspec

You can disable AppMap recording for specific tests and examples groups using the tag appmap: false. See the section on enable and disable AppMap Data creation.


When you run your Minitest tests, AppMap Data will be recorded automatically (as long as the appmap gem is loaded).

If you don’t see this working automatically for some reason, you can try requiring appmap/minitest in your test_helper.rb:

require 'appmap/minitest'

Note that test_helper.rb in a Rails project typically loads the application’s classes this way:

require_relative '../config/environment'

and appmap/minitest must be required before this:

require 'appmap/minitest'
require_relative '../config/environment'


Run your tests as you normally would. For example:

$ rails test


$ bundle exec rake test

Each Minitest test will output an AppMap file into the directory tmp/appmap/minitest. For example:

$ find tmp/appmap/minitest


To record Cucumber tests, follow these additional steps:

1) Require appmap/cucumber in support/env.rb:

require 'appmap/cucumber'

Be sure to require it before config/environment is required.

2) Create an Around hook in support/hooks.rb to record the scenario:

if AppMap::Cucumber.enabled?
  Around('not @appmap-disable') do |scenario, block|
    appmap = AppMap.record do

    AppMap::Cucumber.write_scenario(scenario, appmap)

3) Run the tests:

$ bundle exec cucumber

Each Cucumber test will output an AppMap file into the directory tmp/appmap/cucumber. For example:

$ find tmp/appmap/cucumber

Requests recording

appmap-ruby can automatically record and save an AppMap for each HTTP server request. To do this, the AppMap agent hooks into the Rack middleware. It starts a recording when each new request is received, records the execution thread into an AppMap, and saves in when the request is completed.

Requests recording is enabled by default when RAILS_ENV=development. You can enable it in any environment by setting APPMAP_RECORD_REQUESTS=true, and disable it for every environment by setting APPMAP_RECORD_REQUESTS=false.

Requests recording in Rails

The appmap middleware is injected automatically into the middleware stack of your Rails app by the AppMap Railtie. To view the middleware stack of your app, and confirm that the AppMap middleware is configured and available, run:

rake middleware

Start your Rails server in the normal way:

$ rails server

If you don’t see a message indicating that “requests” recording is enabled, start the server with APPMAP_RECORD_REQUESTS=true, or ensure that RAILS_ENV=development.

Requests recording in non-Rails apps

For non-Rails apps, add the AppMap middleware using the method provided by the framework you’re using. Run your application server in the usual way. If you don’t see a message indicating that “requests” recording is enabled, start the server with APPMAP_RECORD_REQUESTS=true, or ensure that APP_ENV=development.

Remote recording

appmap-ruby supports the AppMap remote recording API. This functionality is provided by a Rack middleware.

Remote recording is enabled automatically when Rails.env == 'development' or ENV['APP_ENV'] == 'development. To enable remote recording in any other environment, set APPMAP_RECORD_REMOTE=true.

To make a remote recording, follow the Remote recording documentation.

Remote recording in Rails

The appmap middleware is injected automatically into the middleware stack of your Rails app by the AppMap Railtie. To view the middleware stack of your app, and confirm that the AppMap middleware is configured and available, run:

rake middleware

Start your Rails server in the normal way:

$ rails server

If you don’t see a message indicating that “remote” recording is enabled, start the server with APPMAP_RECORD_REMOTE=true, or ensure that RAILS_ENV=development.

Remote recording in non-Rails apps

For non-Rails apps, add the AppMap middleware using the method provided by the framework you’re using. Run your application server in the usual way. If you don’t see a message indicating that “remote” recording is enabled, start the server with APPMAP_RECORD_REMOTE=true, or ensure that APP_ENV=development.

Code Block Recording

You can use AppMap.record record a specific block of code. With this method, you can control exactly what code is recorded, and where the recording is saved.

An example program contains the following code, which should be illustrative of the method:

require 'appmap'

# ... some other code

FileUtils.mkdir_p 'tmp/appmap/block'
appmap = AppMap.record do

File.write('tmp/appmap/block/demo.appmap.json', JSON.generate(appmap))

Enable and disable AppMap Data creation

Disabling AppMap Data creation using environment variables

To disable all AppMap recording, set the environment variable APPMAP=false.

To disable requests recording, set the environment variable APPMAP_RECORD_REQUESTS=false.

To disable remote recording, set the environment variable APPMAP_RECORD_REMOTE=false.

Disabling AppMap Data creation for specific RSpec tests

To disable recording of an RSpec test or example group, use the tag appmap: false.

For example:

describe 'Module 1', appmap: false do
  # AppMap Data is disabled for all tests in this scope.
  it 'does something'
  it 'does something else'

describe 'Module 2' do
  it 'does something', appmap: false do
    # AppMap is disabled for this test.
  it 'does something else' do
    # AppMap is enabled for this test.

Enabling and disabling instrumentation

Bundler loads the appmap code when you load a gemset it’s defined in (by default, test and development). When the appmap code is loaded, it will instrument the other Ruby code according to the settings in your appmap.yml file.

If you don’t want appmap code to be loaded automatically by Bundler, you can conditionally disable it like this:

# The appmap gem is the first gem in the file
gem 'appmap', groups: %i[development test], require: ENV['APPMAP'] == 'true'

In this example, the appmap code will only be loaded when environment variable APPMAP=true. If you prevent bundler from loading appmap, you can load it later on by using require in the usual way. For example, in Rails application.rb:

require 'appmap'

Of course, if instrumentation is disabled in this way, then no AppMap Data will be recorded.

Advanced runtime options


appmap-ruby inspects and instruments code as it’s loaded by the Ruby virtual machine. Start your program with APPMAP_PROFILE_HOOK=true to see diagnostic information about how much time it’s taking appmap-ruby to instrument each Gem in your appmap.yml.


Emit detailed logging about the instrumentation hooks that appmap-ruby adds to the code. By default, this information is logged to appmap_hook.log. See also: APPMAP_LOG_HOOK_FILE.


Direct the hook logs to a different file. Specify a file name, or APPMAP_LOG_HOOK_FILE=stderr.


appmap-ruby tries to include a useful string representation of each parameter and return value in the AppMap. In some cases, there are pathological classes that take a long time to stringify. Start your program with APPMAP_PROFILE_DISPLAY_STRING=true to see diagnostic information about how much time it’s taking appmap-ruby to stringify different object classes.


appmap-ruby ships with a default set of hooks that instrument and label popular Gems. The default list of hooks can be extended with custom configuration so that Gems used in your application do not have to be explicitly included and labeled in each appmap.yml. Set APPMAP_GEM_HOOKS_PATH to a folder with your custom hooks configuration yaml files that use the appmap.yml functions syntax. See the AppMap default hooks configuration example (note: Gem names can be inferred from configuration file names if the gem property is missing).


You can enable or disable recording for individual test frameworks using these environment variables. For example, to manage recording when using minitest, use the variable APPMAP_RECORD_MINITEST`.

When true (the default), recording for the test type is always enabled. When false, it’s always disabled.


When true (the default), requests recording is always enabled. When false, it’s always disabled.


When true (the default), remote recording is always enabled. When false, it’s always disabled.


When true (the default), all recording is enabled. When false, all recording is disabled.

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