Navie Options

Navie supports forward-slash options that can be included at the beginning of your questions to control various aspects of text generation.


The /tokenlimit option is used to specify a limit on the number of tokens processed by the system. This parameter can help control the length of the generated text or manage resource consumption effectively.


  • <value>: The maximum number of tokens to be processed. This can be either a string or a number. If provided as a string, it will be automatically converted to an integer.

Description When executing commands, the /tokenlimit option sets the upper limit on the number of tokens the system should utilize. The default token limit is 8000. Increasing the token limit allows more space for context.

Example To set the token limit to 16000, you can use:

@explain /tokenlimit=16000 <question>


  • It’s important to ensure that the value provided for /tokenlimit is a valid positive integer.
  • The effect of /tokenlimit can directly impact the performance and output length of text generation processes.
  • The /tokenlimit cannot be increased above the fundamental limit of the LLM backend. Some backends, such as Copilot, may have a lower token limit than others.


The /temperature option is used to control the randomness of the text generation process. This parameter can help adjust the creativity and diversity of the generated text.


  • <value>: The temperature value to be set. This can be either a string or a number. If provided as a string, it will be automatically converted to a float.

Description When executing commands, the /temperature option sets the randomness of the text generation process. The default temperature value is 0.2. Lower values result in more deterministic outputs, while higher values lead to more creative and diverse outputs.

Example To set the temperature to 0, you can use:

@generate /temperature=0 <question>


  • It’s important to ensure that the value provided for /temperature is a valid float.
  • The effect of /temperature can directly impact the creativity and diversity of the generated text.


The /gather option is used to enable or disable the context gathering feature. This option allows you to control whether Navie should gather additional context from the repository to enhance its responses. By default, context gathering is enabled in the following situations:

  • When performing @generate and @plan.
  • When the overview classifier is applied automatically by Navie to the question.

When enabled, gather will perform any or all of the following actions:

  • List files in the repository.
  • Fetch full the full content of a file in the repository.
  • Search the repository for context by keyword.
  • Fetch the diff between the current working code and the base branch.

Gatherer runs autonomously, there’s no user control over what actions it will take. To explicitly control the context that’s available to Navie, you can other features such as pinned files, /include and /exclude options.


  • <true|false>: A boolean value indicating whether to enable (true) or disable (false) the context gathering feature.

Example To enable context gathering, you can use:

@generate /gather=true <question>

/include and /exclude

The /include and /exclude options are used to include or exclude specific file patterns from the retrieved context.


/include=<word-or-pattern>|<word-or-pattern> /exclude=<word-or-pattern>|<word-or-pattern>
  • <word-or-pattern>: The word or pattern to be included or excluded. Multiple values or patterns can be separated by a pipe |, because the entire string is treated as a regular expression.


When executing commands, the /include option includes files according to the words or patterns specified, while the /exclude option excludes them. This can help control the context used by the system to generate text.


To include only Python files and exclude files containing the word “test”:

@plan /include=\.py /exclude=test


The /diff option is used to enable or disable the diff feature. This option allows you to control whether Navie should show the difference between the current working code and the base branch.




While gathering context, Navie will automatically collect the diff between the current working code and the base branch. This feature can help provide more accurate and relevant responses by considering the changes made in the codebase.

The diff information collected uses the git log format, so it includes individual commits as well as the commit messages.

The base branch will be determined automatically based on the history. The history is searched for a branch called main, master, or develop. The base branch can be specified manually using the /base option.


To enable the diff feature, you can use:

/diff <question>


The /base option is used to specify the base branch for the diff feature. This option allows you to control which branch Navie should use as the base when showing the difference between the current working code and the base branch.


  • <branch-name>: The name of the branch to be used as the base branch.


When executing commands, the /base option specifies the base branch for the diff feature. If not specified, the base branch will be determined automatically based on the history. The history is searched for a branch called main, master, or develop.

If you specify the /base option, then /diff option is automatically enabled.


To specify the base branch as work, you can use:

@generate /base=work <question>

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